May 19, 2015

Cloth Diaper Wipes Spray

So it's been a while... again...
And without going into a lot of details, let's just say that my life has been a roller coaster of sickness (nauseous all pregnancy), moving, sickness (more nauseous all pregnancy), having a baby, taking care of a baby and 18 month old, getting used to being a farmer's wife, and then having gallbladder pain and then eventually surgery while still taking care of my two kiddos, life has been a little overwhelming at times!

But I have gotten back into cloth diapering.  I quit cloth diapering when my Bug was about 10 months old.  I felt awful putting the chemicals on his bum, but with how nauseous I was all pregnancy, I could not handle cleaning out poopy diapers and putting diapers that had been in the pail all day into the laundry.  The smell literally made me throw-up!  But now that that's all over, and my newborn had EXTREMELY bad diaper rash, I am back to using them again!

While I was on a cloth diapering hiatus, I have gotten a little more into the world of natural things and chemical free living.  I have started using Melaleuca products and it has made me more aware of all the junk we put in and on our bodies.

So when I made cloth diaper wipes spray, I used my chemical free products to make it.  With the exception on the Baby Oil, that was still Johnson and Johnson.  I also want to say that there is nothing wrong if you use Johnson and Johnson.  I thought more natural things were so expensive and not really worth it, but then I found the Melaleuca Company and got chemical free, natural products for cheaper than you can get in the store.  But don't beat yourself up if you do use the regular stuff!

Here is how I make my cloth wipes spray:

1 cup water (boiled to get bacteria, etc. out and make the water last longer if you are making a large batch)
1 TBSP Baby Oil with Vitamin E
1 TBSP Baby Soap
1 TBSP Baby Lotion (This can be left out)
6 Drops Tea-Tree Oil (Melaleuca Oil)

I usually make 4 to 6 cups at a time and keep it in a sealed container.  I fill a spray bottle with the solution and then spray the wipes as I need them.

I thought I had already written about this, but I couldn't find anything on it when I looked earlier, so I'm writing about it now!  But if it is somewhere else and you are reading about this again, sorry! :)

Also, for those of you on the fence about using cloth wipes because you might thing it is gross, just try it!  I thought the same thing and it was way more hassle using disposable wipes and cloth diapers.  And cloth wipes work so much better than disposable ones!  I just use some cut up pieces of fleece squares and they work AWESOME!!  Just try it, I know you will love them!

But I am so glad that life is getting back to "normal" and I have time and energy to blog again! 

Looking forward to chatting with you soon!
Cassandra :)